Our company has had long-standing experience in both engineering and completion services, component deliveries and the installation of electrical devices and equipment in a number of buildings and other premises. Our team of experienced personnel on all the company levels, in compliance with a creative and flexible approach to the client’s requirements constitutes the prerequisites for the successful handling of any order to the client’s full satisfaction. Our success echoes
in the trust of our business partners. Find below references to some of our commissioned orders where our company was a sub-contractor or the general contractor:
- Reconstruction of the automated dispatch control system (traffic, electro, technological) after the floods in the Underground (Metro) – optical fibre cabling and transmission
- Optical fibre cables in the section Národní Street – Centrální Dispečink DP hl.m.Prahy (Central Dispatch Control Centre of the Prague Public Transportation Co.; further on DP hl.m.Prahy), and the section of the Hůrka – Zličín metro stations for Technická správa komunikací (further on TSK; Prague Metropolitan Board of Works – i.e. the company providing the technical maintenance of thoroughfares of the Capital City of Prague)
- Reconstruction of the optical equipment rooms in the Rajská zahrada, Černý Most metro stations
- Communication cables in the section Florenc B – Vysočanská metro stations; optical fibre cables
- An additional coverage by TSM 900 MHz – RCD Pardubice
- Radars, optical fibre communication and data connections Zlíchov Radars
- Optical fibre cables in the section of the Sazka Hall – Centrální Dispečink DP hl.m.Prahy
- Construction of the optical fibre network for PRAGONET in the Metro – eight stages
- Měnírna Karlín (the converter station) – transmission route
- Optimization of the optical fibre cables transmission routes in the flooded stations of Metro lines A, B, C
- Optical fibre cables in the SITINA Tunnel
- Replacement of optical fibre cables in the section of the Dejvická - Náměstí Míru metro stations
- Communication linkage Rozvodna Sever (Switching Station North) – Měnírna distribuční trakce Ládví (the converter station
of distribution traction Ládví)
- Light-current stringing on line IV.C2 – optical fibre cable and electro
- Optical fibre cables in the section between the Nádraží Holešovice – Ládví metro stations
- Transmission of the traffic control to the central traffic control station of TSK
- Metro protection system on line IV.C2
- Communication linkage between the power intakes 22 KV protection on line IV.C2
- Light-current equipment for automated passenger navigation and VKV (UHF) on line IV.C2
- Replacement of optical fibre cables in the section of the Dejvická - Nám. Míru metro stations
- Construction of the optical fibre network for the TSK on the Metro premises
- Optical fibre cables in the section of the Holešovice – Ládví metro stations
- DP Metro (the Public Transportation Co., Metro branch) – the CCTV system and broadcasting network repairs
- Transmission of the traffic control to the central traffic control station, link-in of Rudná workstation
- Garáže Řepy (the Bus Depot Řepy) – electrical installations
- Optical fibre cables for TSK, extending of the optical network in the section of the Ládví – Letňany metro stations
- Automated dispatch control system – energetic engineering network, Metro IV.C2
- Metro protection system in the Ládví Station – PS 82-13,23
- Rozvodna Střed-Můstek B (Switching Station Centre - Můstek Metro Station line B) – optical fibre transmission route
- Light-current stringing and the fire detection system in the Stodůlky Metro Station
- Repairs of the CCTV transmission JI and NB
- Validators – Metro line B, electrical installations, optical fibre routes
- GTS – maintenance of optical fibre transmission routes
- T-systems – the construction of optical fibre routes in the Metro
- STAMET s.r.o., extending of the fire detection system in the Černý Most Metro Station
- Skanska a.s. – dismantling works of electrical installations on the premises of the Czech Technical University (ČVUT), Prague 6